Feb 4, 2016

Lots of Time

I've been dumping a stupid amount of time into this unit of terminators, as well as the terminator lord that goes with them. It's one of those things that I'm hyper critical about my work and I see nothing but errors, but tonight I was getting to a breaking point (I still have two more terminators to do the final touches on) and so I took a picture.

The only thing I did was hit the "auto adjust" button once I was done I out popped this bad boy of a picture.

I'm sorry, but if you're not aware of this, this is awesome. It's so awesome, that I'm almost tempted to post it in original size, stretch out the entire blog and make things look ugly just for it. As annoying and as frustrating as this unit has been, wow, I didn't know it was going to turn out looking like this.  I'm not going to finish the last two tonight, but it's just one of those things that I'm starting to understand with this hobby. You get so entrenched in your own work, and you're looking at the closest details you can possibly look at and you forget to take a step back and stare at the big picture. Take that for a life lesson or whatever else you might, but wow, it is important to take a step back some days.

On that note, I need to step back into writing my My American Life pieces. I've been listening to them, I'm just back logged a few episodes and haven't written anything. I've got to get off my butt and give that a shot.

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