Jan 3, 2016

Speed Painting

I've mentioned before that I hated speed painting. Here's why.

Here's my talons base coated with a quick and heavy dry brush. Looks pretty impressive.

With a simple black ink wash, it fades it down, but gives it layers of highlights and changes that make it great for a base layer.

That's right, base layer. I don't get how some people think they can be done at that point. Yes, it looks amazing. Yes, things are looking pretty cool as is, but think of it this way. Those silly talons are $35 for five, that means each one of them is $6. Let's make that $6 look slightly better than a hot and ready pizza if at all possible.

Trust me, this is not the last layer that you're going to see. There's still metalics, and I want to play around with a few more layers of dry brushing and layering with that.

Sarcastic note while painting the first layer I jokingly said, "Look at me, I'm BTP!" Yeah, I hate that company that they cost so much for so little painting work.

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