Jan 23, 2016

I Won! - Warhammer

It's official, I finally won my first match!

It ended early, and by either victory points, or just looking at what was happening and betting on the fact that things were going poorly and not looking much better as they were going for my opponent, I was headed towards winning.

To start off with, we were on a lava/volcano terain, so yay for lava! We got set up and followed rules for determining victory points and rolled that there would be five objectives. We put them all over the place and even one of them in a pool of lava. We deployed and set up like the tournament said we needed to.

I got in the bottom right corner, he got the top left. My deployment was a grand total of two models (two rhinos)

His deployment was significantly bigger.

On turn one, I ran the rhino full of chaos space marines (you've know the ones I'm talking about) straight towards the corner and spit them out so they could stand in the middle of a lava field on a floating chunk of rock and say that they had at least one objective secure. If there was one thing that I knew, it was that they could stand and shoot at anything that came their way, and going into melee with them was a death wish because who is going to stand and fight in lava, so I had one point.

The thousand sons was a bit more devious. You can tell a bit in the picture above, but there's sort of a fork in the canyon that the objective (the white dice) is in. The rhino pulled over to the right to block two of the entry ways and then the sons popped out the other side to block in the other entrance. To get to that marker he either had to punch through a rhino, that could at least soak up some fire for a while and keep the thousand sons alive, or go for the sons which were a tarpit waiting to happen.

He then moved a lot of his army forward to deal with the two units I had on the table. In the front line going face to face with my rhino and thousand sons was a five man unit of lichguard and a five man unit of immortals.
However, because of how I wedged in my rhino and hid behind cover, the lychguard (who have no ranged weapons) were the only ones that could see my sons, and the immortals, could only see the rhino, so yay for using cover properly and not wrecking myself!

His lychguard charged in on my thousand sons and then for the rest of the game the two units were in melee combat and the thousand sons just sat there. They took some wounds but by turn three (when we had to end the game because the shop was closing) there were still four of them on the table standing their ground, but we'll get to that later.

Top of turn 2- me
Helldrake comes out from reserves and vector strikes his immortals and distance wise lands right behind them (within one inch). Doesn't wipe them off the face of the world, but at least hurts them a bit.

The lava space marines sit in their corner on their objective, and the thousand sons go back to smacking the lychguard who don't die either, so it's about even. Still, no one dead.

Bottom of turn 2- him
Moves things around in the background because he's starting to realize that the fight is mainly going to be on the opposite side of the board. Gun lines start moving, his 'bikes' (I use that term loosely still not sure what they actually are called) come in, and even his warlord manages to make his way across a bunch of lava and terrain to get within an inch of my thousand son rhino. Seriously, the entire necron army at this point is trying to get in position to get rid of a ten man unit of thousand sons and their rhino. A bit of damage to rhino and sons unit, but they were still there and life still went on because thousand sons just stood and laughed.

Also important to note - his doom scythe came in and tried to shoot stuff but nothing went boom too much. 

Top of turn 3 - me
Reserve rolls got warptallons, and my terminators in. Both rolled in about the same spot (just a little away from an objective that was only defended by a gun line) and got REALLY good scatters to put them in cover hidden behind things without ruining where they were. All things considering I couldn't have asked for better positioning on my deep strike scatter rolls because it was stupid how perfect they were.

My sorcerer came on, so that means that it's psychic time. Rolled a 6 for charges, and was in a good mood because that meant a killer psychic phase. Managed to get off the primarch tzeentch power on a gunline, but no one actually died (they just reanimated) so no bonus boom to that, but then came the doom bolt. Doom bolt is now my favorite friend. I pointed the bolt straight towards the scythe and was expecting maybe a glance, nope, I got a pennitrating hit. On the misshap table I was expecting a bad roll, nothing too amazing. Nope, I rolled a 6, with strength 8 that meant it exploded. I sniped it out of the air only allowing it to play a role for one round. It crashed and burned and fell into the lava.
By the way, that picture right there, is my favorite picture of the group. Minus the terminator sorcerer not being painted, it just looks awesome.

Shooting happened and the lava loving marines took a few pot shots at things that were getting a little too close for comfort and lit them up with soul blaze.

Unfortunately I was not able to get too much further into the turn because the shop was closing down and wanted us out, but the whole deal went a little like this.

Points for me -
lava marines objective (3 pts)
thousand sons objective (3 pts)
first blood (1 pt)
then the one that I can't remember that gives you points for being close to your enemy's deployment edge (my lava rhino and helldrake were practically parked on that side of the board so go team) (1 pt)

His points -
2 objectives (6 pts)

In the next rounds he would have to deal with warp tallons, terminators, and a terminator sorcerer all on his rear flank. His warlord and most of his fire power was off staring at the marines and sons, while on the other side of the board people were ready to jump straight into combat and show just how awesome a power fist on a terminator can really be.

Officially because we ended early I said it was okay to have a tie (because also honestly it doesn't matter at all on the rankings because I lost everything else. It's not going to lead to me getting first place if I want to fight that point) but honestly, I won. Even if the game kept going I was going to win.

I finally won my first game of 40k.

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