Nov 24, 2015

Hello Students

I'm lazy so I showed you my blog in class. There's a warning here - I'm not G rated, and this is my personal blog. As much as I try to hold my voice in class, this is me on paper. Most of these entries are not drafted for much longer than about the time that I give you to do a homework assignment (maybe 10-20 minutes on the long end) so they're ugly, but they're me.

I can not warn you enough about the stupidity of my brain, and I can throw just about whatever I want on here because this is my personal blog.

Yes, I do random things, but I also talk about subjects without any worry about editing my thoughts or making them school approved. If you're reading this, you're making the very adult decision to realize that I am an adult that is writing whatever is on his mind. I'm not throwing things up here that are things that you need to show ID for, but compared to the cookie cutter LDSBC standards that I have to teach by, this is not that.

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