Oct 15, 2015

Mannfred has a friend

My detail painting isn't getting much better, I'm still struggling with some basics of highlighting, but after doing it enough times, doing this dark blue to light blue blend is getting stupid easy to do, and I'm even managing it on smaller and smaller things. Today's target for doing the blend? The skeleton unit that I'm finishing up and their banner.

I'm just crazy enough that if I have the time, I think I might give it a shot on some of the ribbons and sheets of cloth that are coming off of them when I do the finishing touches on the unit. Worst case scenario I cover it up with a flat coat of something else.

As a safety statement, yes I know that the skeletons are not finished. You'll see to the right of the image there are two ranks that are unfinished and the guy that is doing this is part of that group. He has a base coat and I decided to throw out some color blending, and it turned out decently well. If you squint just a bit and look into the fuzzy background you'll see the unit of 20 that you've seen previously on here. Either way, it's going to be nice to have an entire army that looks like they belong together. Add in the zombies and the necromancer that's mounted, and I'm starting to get enough to look like I might actually have a cohesive army that isn't just a bunch of plastic models.

As a side note - please if I ever look like some of the painting options that I've seen on ebay and even cool mini or not, tell me. If I ever do anything like this - tell me.

I get it, you have to start somewhere, but I'd like to think that even at my worst I'm slightly better than things like that, even with my limited background.

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