Aug 20, 2015


It took me a while to figure out what color and the line size of the highlights, but they're starting to come in. I'm going to have to go back and 'erase' with some black paint some of the thicker lines, but it's starting to come in.

I did try a BTP approach to the ribs and claws and tried to dry brush it. And I get it, if you're in a rush and you don't want to spend the time, dry brushing is fast easy and covers a lot of details in a low amount of time, but holy balls is it easy to tell that you're rushing. I tried doing it, and I'm sure that if I was really lazy and hadn't spent a HUGE amount of money and time on this thing already, that I'd be okay with it, but I want some high quality work, and dry brushing wasn't the look that I was aiming for, so I'm sticking to the line highlights, even if it takes me a million hours. Or rather, especially because it takes me a million hours.

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