Aug 17, 2015


I went to my new job today to look at my classes, and I've got some real winners.

The first spot is pretty normal of a classroom. Nothing too weird, desks, white board, all of that normal classroom stuff that you'd expect. . . except that just like the other classes that I'm teaching in is on the other side of the world. I'm not even exaggerating about this, the class is two doors away from the northern most exit to the ENTIRE CAMPUS. There isn't a door any higher than the door that I'm teaching next to. Not to mention that it's just down the hall from the costume department for the drama department, and also the cabinet making classroom.

Then comes my next room. It's one floor down, a bit closer to the rest of the university, and it looks normal. . . except for the back wall of the room which is lined in windows, leading to a lab full of materials that you would need to be an evil villain in a 50's B science fiction movie.

Finally is my final room in a building even closer to the actual rest of campus, and it's pretty awesome because it comes with its own engine . . . and transmission. Apparently I'm sharing the room with the auto-mechanics, and they have engine and transmission displays just sitting in the class, ready for me to use in my English lessons.

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