Dec 6, 2014

Please don't be over hyped

The internet loves Deadpool.

No, let me clarify, the internet is really in love with Deadpool.

I still think that I'm underselling just how much hype people have put up in my life when dealing with Deadpool. Deadpool is supposed to be the best thing ever since Spiderman put on his underwear over his tights and flew into our lives.

I'm starting the game tonight.

I know that it's a game on a franchize that already is in existance, and so I know that it's not going to be nearly as good as what everyone hypes it out to be, but here's hoping that it is only half as bad as what I'm expecting, and will be better than what I want, because let's be honest with each other, there is never a good time for a movie/book adaptation into a game. It's yet to happen, and it will never happen.

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