Nov 4, 2014


I just wanted to put this one here, because I realized tonight, more than any other niht, that my writing style is just flat out weird.

I don't sit at a table, half of the time I'm on the floor or a couch writing on my laptop, and whenever I'm really cranking out the wordage, EVERYONE is asleep, I have my headphones on to block out any noise on the off chance that they do wake up and make noise, and if the hardcore techno pumping through my ears weren't enough, I'm typically writing without looking at my screen. Even though I turn down the brightness on my screen, I find that I write faster and more coherantly if I can just close my eyes and get what I want on the paper without thinking about it and seeing the mistakes that I make. Once it's out there, I go back and edit, but that first draft, what I'm writing right now, involves me cranking out the musicaas loud as I want, and just closing my eyes to let my fingers fly around the keyboard at a crazy sspeed with no regard to all of the squiggly lines that pop up in your writing when you can't see a screen that you're wroking with.

I've also done it where I close the laptop down so it's folded at like a 30 degree angle, but peopleg et really weirded out by that one, they don't look at you as funny when your screen is open and it just looks like you're falling asleep, they do look at your weird when your computer is half open, you're obviously not looking at it, and THEN you're also typing as fast as your fingers will allow.

Just wanted ot share before I dive into what i"m working on tonight.

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