Nov 27, 2014

Forgot about this one

On Sunday, in Elders Quorum they were doing a getting to know you better segment. They asked great questions like what my favorite game was (I decided to go super duper random and over ALL of their heads and stick with Disgaea, because let's be honest, even in the gaming community no one knows about that random little gem).

But then came this question, "What is one way that you show your wife that you love her?" and then they side barred that by saying that I couldn't say anything traditional or normal for showing love, it had to be something unique.

I didn't really know what to go with, so I said that I think that the entire time that Alicia and I have been married that she has had to do the laundry maybe twice, and that is stretching it. I'm only saying twice because I could be wrong at saying never.

The first response from the super right wing, conservative, make guns in his back yard (not a joke, he wants to make his own guns) was, "You keep that to yourself!"

After cooking yet another AMAZING Thanksgiving dinner (if I do say so myself), I really shouldn't mention the fact that I do things like that either to his wife.

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