Jun 3, 2014


I haven't written on here for a while, because life is getting hectic. Just when I don't want things to go crazy, things go crazy, it's the only way that these sort of things happen. I mean, the only real response that your body should ever have of your THESIS being due is . . . you know . . . sinus infection.

Great fun.

And then, the only thing that should happen at the start of the most important week in the surrounding months for both you and your wife - your car's transmission decides to die. It only makes sense.

I'm just done with this week. I want all of the broken things, all of the sickness, all of the papers, all of the stupid stuff, all of the junk behind me because I can handle one or two of them at a time, I don't want to deal with them all at the same time.

As much as I want to just curl up into a ball and start crying and then fall asleep for the next 5 days, I don't have that much to really worry about with school. With last night's binge session on writing I wrote enough in my thesis that I could turn it in, and then I took care of all of my other classes as well, so right now I'm honestly sitting at a point where I have only one paper that I need to write by Sunday, and it's Tuesday. I have days to work on this paper, and I'm dreading it enough that I want to kick, yell, and scream like a kid throwing a fit in the middle of the candy isle at the store.

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