Apr 10, 2014

That awkward moment when. . .

. . . it's 12:30 at night (or the morning depending on who you ask, but I call it night because the sun is still down, and I haven't gone to sleep yet) and you're still wearing a face mask even though there's been no reason to wear it for the past two, almost three, hours.

I wasn't feeling that good, and was visiting family who is going through chemotherapy so their immune system is shot, so just to be cautious I wore a face mask around them. They went to sleep, I stayed up working on homework, and it wasn't until I got up to get a drink that I realized that I still had my face mask on.

I can only imagine just how weird I must have looked. Headphones on listening to di.fm/hardcore, typing furiously on assignments for my classes, fuzzy blanket keeping my legs warm, and a medical face mask on. Sort of happy that everyone was asleep or gone so that no one would have to see that weird mix of freak.

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