Apr 16, 2014

Job Hunting

Today's flavor of bored, is trying to figgure out how to look like I'm working, while in fact doing anything BUT working. Some idiot at work today decided that they were going to pirate entire TV shows while at work. NBC got in touch with my job, and now there's a strict, 'no anything but work on your computer' rule. Luckily email is part of that, so I'm playing around with trying to see if I can email submissions onto the blog.

That's right, blogger is so dedicated to me slacking off while I should be doing work, that it's going to allow me to write in a window, hit send, and then have that email published as part of the blog. This is just the test of the entire program, so we'll see if it works or not. 

So a few days ago I mentioned on Facebook that I was getting my resume together and that fromt aht I was going to be hunting for a job. People were nice and said their congrats and good wishes my way, and then there was one, who will remained unnamed that said that he had a job offer for me, and that I'd be able to get it because it has benefits, and pays well, and was a great job. 

Now, I won't go into full details of our history with this friend, but let's just say it's checkered. 

I ask him what the job is, and it turns out to be. . . A CALL CENTER! Here's a rough transcription of how that conversation went. 
Him - "Yeah, it's a great job. It's got full benefits and is a really good atmosphere. You'll love it!"
Me - "Okay, what is it?"
Him - "It's a call center."
Me - "I already do that."
Him - "But you don't do sales."
Me - "I don't do that right now, I do data collection."
Him - "It's a great job, I just got it a few weeks ago, and I know that they're hiring."
Me - "I'm looking for something more in my field. I'm about to graduate with my masters, I want to be able to use it in some way or another."
Him - "Oh. Okay. Good luck with that."

Seriously?! You see that a 28 year old that is finishing up his graduate program is starting to look for a job and your first thought is CALL CENTER!? You have got to be kidding me. Thanks, but no thanks. 

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