Jan 3, 2017

Thousand Sons Maulerfiend - Warhammer

As promised as I'm finishing up painting things, I wanted to put up some more pictures of things that I've done since the first army posting, and that means that tonight we're adding in my Thousand Sons' Maulerfiend.

Yup, that's right. An amazing, close combat, lasher tendril (even though I say they're magma cutters most of the time) power fist wielding, beast of a machine that runs up and punches just about any tank, walker, or even titans on a good roll down to the ground.

 As always, lots of color blends, but luckily compared to others, they were generally bigger pieces. The only hard part to this guy was the excessive amounts of edges that needed edge highlights. Nothing quite like trying to highlight every single panel of those tendrils.
 Just like the heldrake, I did the bottom too. Unlike the heldrake, I did try to position this bad boy enough so that you could actually see his belly and the work that was down there, plus I just think it looks a lot better in action like this rather than on all fours.

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