Jan 3, 2017

Thousand Sons Helbrute - Warhammer

Like I said before, I've skimped on pictures for quite a bit of painting that I've been doing, so time to take over google image searches, and show what I've been doing with Thousand Sons lately.

This addition is the helbrute for my army. Officially there's no such thing as a thousand sons helbrute because there's sort of that whole deal that helbrutes can't take marks, but I thought he might as well fit in with everything else in the army.

His face actually didn't come with the model when I bought it off the guy who sold it to me, so I took a zombie face that looked like it was in enough pain and super glued it in. He was also my first attempt at horns and making them look like bone, which translated to just more blending, as if I didn't have enough to do already.
Either way, there's the thousand sons helbrute. So far with the one time that I've fielded him, he's done a grand total of two wounds worth of damage, but he's learning.

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