Jan 13, 2015

Procrastinate EVERYTHING

I totally blame this one on Addison getting sick. I had good intentions, I had planned on spending most of Monday, and at least a major portion of today trying to figure out my first days of class, prepping them, making sure everything looked right, and then. . . she got sick. . . and I had to stay home with her.
I've spent more time watching Sesame Street and Super Why than anything dealing with the courses that I'm supposed to be teaching tomorrow, and I'm ready for the train wreck of the century.

At least my car got "fixed" - more like ghetto rigged, but whatever, it works. Now, in the next 10 hours, I just need to figure out what I'm doing in my classes, find my wallet, pray that my car works, and then teach two classes without falling on my face in front of 40 students.

Also, sorry, about not putting pictures in the previous My American Life, I was at work and typing fast, so I didn't exactly have tons of time to go image hunting through google to find things just right. Plus, I was trying to look like I was actually working, while not working, so there was that too. Apparently they frown on the idea of screwing around while they're paying you.

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