Jan 15, 2015

It's TOTALLY official now

Like, totally.

With classes behind me and working on things that I thought that I never would, like trying to figure out my course syllabus and what is going on with that mess of paper, I am going to consider myself officially a professor.


How do I put this politely without offending a potential student that runs into this class?

Hmmm, this is going to be a tricky one.

The best way I can put it, is that through starting this class it has shocked me at the low level of English education that some students have while yet still being able to graduate from high school. I'm giving each of my classes, and ENTIRE hour (if they want it) to write on the topic of literacy within any genre. It can be about literacy in the work place, within music, within whatever you want to think about, and they just have to write about how they didn't know something before, but through their experiences they were able to learn the lingo and vocabulary of the thing and became literate in that topic.

It's not a hard paper to write. You can write it about ANYTHING. I could write it about writing this stupid blog, and how there is an entrance literacy that happens with this community and the tools that are used on this website. Trying to figure out what everything is called, how to call it the right thing, and how to use those terms int eh right place takes a lot of work and I had to become literate in that. And I have students that have typed maybe 50 words, and are just staring at their screen like it's going to murder them.

COME ON PEOPLE! It's not the end of the world, just sit down and write! Anything! Something! Just get it down on paper and get some thoughts out there about how your lie is different now than it was before. That's all it means by literacy in this. It's going super broad, which means that it's super easy! Then I tell them that tey should be reading and writing outside of class for 'fun' so that they can really start rocking the socks off of everything, and they just look at me like I'm absolutely insane.

This is going to be an interesting trip.

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