Dec 14, 2015

2/5 classes done with grading!

I know that I have seven classes, but really I only had five classes that actually turned in major papers that I'd consider finals. I've graded two of the five and have a view of what will happen by finals.

It's looking like a rough number of something like this -

F's - 12
D's - 4
C's - 9
B's - 9
A's - 11

That means that out of the 45 students. . .

35% are failing, but 65% are passing.
Almost 25% got an A.

However, if we take out the F's (they stopped showing up or didn't produce papers for assignments, or in other words, simply did not finish the class) and only look at the people that actually showed up to class (the other 33 students) the ratios look a little more realistic of the students that I actually taught.

Not counting those people that stopped showing up to class
87% of my students are passing.
12% are failing.

Given that's only two of my courses, and the math is not solid at all, but I'm just happy that I'm on the path of getting grading done!

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