Apr 17, 2014

Ye Ole Timey Gundam - The Games I've Played

Again, I found myself buying a game, not because I wanted to play it, but because a friend or two said that I absolutely had to play the best game ever, and in their minds this was the best game for that time.

Here comes the catch with this game, it's a pretty solid RPG, the leveling system makes sense, the skill building is unique, and the flexibility is there so that you can do some pretty broken stuff when needed. 

You have your fireballs, your sword swinging, and what you'd expect out of an RPG . . . and then you have your super special knights - or old school gundams. 

The game goes a little something like this- hack and slash until you get to use your knight, and then use your knight and win the fight. Spoiler, later on in the game you get more than one knight that your party can use. Instead of being stupid you make it so that one character at a time uses their knight. While you're using your knight, the other characters are charging up theirs. Once your timer goes out, you switch characters and activate their knight while the first one starts to recharge. Do this until everything is dead. 

There are a few reasons why this game didn't make it into my heart and onto my favorite games lists, and they're sort of unforgivable. The first is the story, it breaks the unforgivable rule of setting up a game with the distinct intention to make a series and leaving you at a cliffhanger ending. 

Spoiler, but this is how things work out for the game. You start the game and realize that HOLY COW THERE ARE GIANT MECH KNIGHTS! This blows your mind, and you, of course, are the person who is chosen to lead with the white knight. Things get a bit bumpy, you start to piece together a small group of people that are special in their own ways, and you start to realize who the big bad is within the story. 

Your group gets to a point where they're doing pretty good, the big bad is gathering an army to start stomping heads in and taking over the country. . . and then the game ends. Right when you think things could be getting cool and interesting, it stops and pretty much says stay tuned for our next game because we might just finish the story then!

I was done with the game at that point. All of the good things that were going for it meant nothing because they did that cheesy move with cutting it off before the story was finished. There was new game +, there were extra quests and events, there was even a way for me to build my own town, but then the ending hit and I didn't want to touch any of it because they decided to not finish the story. 

If I'm going to play a game, read a book, watch a show, or anything else, I want a full start to finish story, do not start something, and then end it mid way. It doesn't matter how bad the story is, if I start it, I at least want an ending. They broke that rule, so I gave it up. I can put up with stupid games, I can't put up with stupid story telling. 

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