Apr 2, 2014

I need to go back- The Games I've Played

The next one on my list, was again, recommended by a friend and told that it was the best game ever. This game is amazing. It's one of those games on my playlist that you can play hours and hours at a time, 'finish' the game, and then turn around start it all over again from the start, and get a entriely new game to play depending on how you want to play it.

You can explore, you can sneak, you can melee, you can snipe, you can sweet talk your way through things, or you can avoid the story line all together. This game is massive in it's scope and the freedom that it offers from that is amazing.
The only reason that I stopped playing this game is because there was always something more to do. I wasn't bored of it, I wasn't tired of what happened, I just had other games that I wanted to play and I had put in enough to Fallout that I could walk away without feeling like I missed out on a big chunk of this game.

Then came the combat. I'm not the best at FPS games because I just have never been good at them. Golden Eye 64 was one of those games I hated playing in a group, Halo games always had me on the loosing capture the flag team, and the list goes on. Then Fallout hands me a gun, tells me that I'm going to be fighting with it in real time and saves the day with VATS.

VATS stops the game play, and then asks you- "where would you like to shoot this guy?" and then in slow motion, shoots the guy in the places that you target. It's perfect for all of those people that aren't that great at FPS games, and pick up the sniper rifle even though the team yells at them for ever thinking about doing that.

This game also ruined my experience with games because you didn't have to kill everything. If you wanted to sneak or talk your way out of things, you could! The list kept going on about things that you COULD do, but you didn't have to. For example, your gear gets messed up and you have to get it repaired. Now, you could go to an NPC to get it fixed, or you could live the life of a hermit and fix it yourself with other pieces of gear that you pick up on your way. You can sit in town doing quests for people, or you could just go and live outside and make a 'dungeon' your home and store all of your gear there. There's not a single point within this game that you are forced within an option except for maybe the final cut scene of the entire game.

This, back to back with Borderlands, ruined me. The freedom and the grand scale of everything just made my day. Borderlands is a bit more linear with story line and plot, but the two of them have such broad open worlds with freedom to do whatever you would like to do that it makes it fun. Every one will play Fallout 3 a little bit differently than everyone else. You'll explore something different do a different story line quest, use different weapons, sneak more, or whatever it might be. That freedom, and that mobility to do whatever I want, is exactly what I want from a game. This is what makes a great game for me.

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