Apr 16, 2014


Everything is stacking up on me lately.

I need to find a job, but my resume isn't finished.
I need to do homework, but I need to write more.
I need to live, but I don't have time to sleep.

It's starting to get really hectic in my life, and what makes it even worse is taht my job is actually starting to act like a job which means that I'm going to have to work at work for the next little bit. Don't expect as long of posts, or as often becuase I've got stuff to do, and most of that stuff has little, if nothing, to do with me rambling on here about video games that I've played or whatever else I manage to get out.

In good news though, Alicia has started to help me hunt for jobs, and it makes me a whole lot less freaked out about the entire situation when I see just how many opportunities there are for me to get into a job, and what makes it even better is the fact that I am well qualified to get those jobs. That's part of the other good news, thanks to ROI, I can say that I have two years experience as an in house eitor because both Brett and Stephanie have used me to edit scripts and small stuff, and that totally counts. Add on some 'freelance writing' and 'freelance editing' for New Haven, and I'm golden.

Now I just have to get the work done and finish up this thesis, and pass these classes. At least I know where I'm headed with my thesis. I was a bit worried there, but I made it past the icky middle, and now I'm on the down hill resolution for the rest of it because I've set up the tracks and now the train just has to ride in until the end.

Procrastination is bad though, tonight I think I could have doubled my word count, if I would have only stayed away from facebook (which I hate and think is pointless) Imgur (which is another waste of time because I'm already up to date on the most recent pictures and posts) and this blog. . . (which is totally not a waste of time or me trying to run away from writing and focusing on something else, nope, not at all).

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