Apr 7, 2014

More Zombies - The Games I've Played

Again, on the list of games that people told me that were too awesome to pass up, we find ourselves with yet another zombie outbreak. This time, instead of being stuck in Africa with the flesh eating mindless hordes, we're stuck in Reno.

Some people say that it's Vegas, but let's be honest here, coming from Vegas, nothing this small and this cheesy would ever show up in Vegas. If you only used down town, completely avoided the strip, you might be able to call this Vegas; or if you used a quarter of the strip, and disregarded the rest of the town, you might be able to call this Vegas, but it's easier to just call it Reno.

The story? You're a dude that kills zombies for an American Gladiator's rip off TV show where they set up different ways to kill zombies by the hundreds.

Someone gets stupid and lets the zombie's loose and the shopping mall/ casino gets completly infected. You take your daughter to a safe house in the mall and realize that you're the one that people are blaming for the infestation. You don't take lightly to this, so for the rest of the game you're running around trying to save people, not get killed, making money to buy anti-zombie drugs for your infected daughter, and trying to prove that you're not the bad guy.

Now, the problem/fun with this game is that ANYTHING can be used as a weapon, and your natural skills of putting two completely unrelated items together to make a crazy weapon are on par with Macgyver. 

And then, let us not forget that you have the option to try on anything in the entire game. You want to slaughter zombies in daisy dukes while wielding a lightsaber? This is the game for you! You want to mow down the undead horde while in a onesie? We can do that too. The outfits do nothing more than aesthetic changes, but the options you have are really, really, odd and diverse.

The problem with this game? For being so over the top and not serious about a lot of the game play, and allowing you the ability to just kill thousands on thousands of zombies, wait for them to respawn, and then kill a few thousand more, all while covering the world in blood and guts- it gets really picky if you don't do certain things. It gives you the freedom to do whatever you want, and the playground to do it in, but then it slaps you on the wrist for having fun in the playground that you're in. You have innocents that you have to save, you have story line that you have to progress, your daughter has to get drugs or else she'll turn into a zombie, and you have to pick if you're going to have fun, or if you're going to go through the game, because you can rarely do both.

The other frustrating thing about this, is that you can new game + (restart the game with all of your levels, bonuses, and materials) at any point in the story. If a boss if giving you problems, just go to NG+ and start over again, save all of the people, get to the boss, and you'll be over leveled so it'll be super simple. The annoying part about this is that the game doesn't tell you that some bosses or people should not be worried about until you're on NG+2 or 3 or even 4, and they put these people early on in the game. The problem comes with you wanting to save the day, but unable to do that because you're under leveled and under geared.

Then comes the problem of creating items. You pick up a horde of items while walking around, and there are some things that you know you can duct tape together to make something awesome, but the list is so long you don't know all of them, so you just have to start guessing. A propane tank and nails makes an IED shrapnel device- makes sense, a flashlight and precious gems make a lightsaber- WHAT? The combos rarely make sense, and you never know if the made item will actually be awesome, or if it'll just get you in more trouble than it's worth making. For example, there are some really sick, disturbing items - but they're completely useless and a sledge hammer works about 90 times better.

In fact, I'll ruin it right now. If you want to do the story line, and you want to beat the game, there's one, and only one, combo that you need to know, sledge hammer + axe.

And then, to make sure that you stay alive, you need a few coffee creamers (amazing healing) and then a painkiller cocktail (there's a few ways to mix them, but the easiest way is to just double up on whiskey, coffee, or vodka in a blender) and those will make it so you only take half health for a minute.

With a handful of defilers, two or three creamers, and one or two painkillers, you can walk through the story line without any problem, and the major problem comes from making it to everything in time because there's a lot of running and traveling through infected zombies. The easiest way to get through them is to just run.

If you want a game where you can slaughter zombies in some really crazy ways, you've come to the right place. If you're looking for anything more than hilarious ways to kill zombies, and outfits to kill them in, you're going to have a hard time with this game because everything else seems to have gotten the back seat compared to the main focus of killing zombies. Just don't forget that you're going to be forced into the annoying part of the game, because the game is on a timer and you have to do what it wants, even if you are having fun running through zombies with MMA gloves with steak knives strapped onto the fists doing your best impression of Wolverine.

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