Apr 18, 2014

No One But Me

I was going to work on my thesis tonight, but while pulling it up I saw an old story that I had started a while ago, and was sort of thinking about today, so I opened it up ands tarted to read it.

I realized something tonight, in all honesty my stories aren't going to be blockbuster stories. I don't see that happening and it's super rare for anyone to every really make it as an author, but I am happy to have them there if no one reads them but me. Honestly, one of the best nights I've had in a long time was tonight just sitting back and slow reading through some of my old stuff and enjoying it. I don't know what it was about reading my old stuff, but it was fun and relaxing.

The funny part was at the end of it I gave it up because it "wasn't moving fast enough" and all I could think about after reading it was that it was moving at just the right speed and was a good opening, I just have to rework a few things within the structure, and figure out what I want the story to be on the large scale, and then it'll work out just fine. Apparently while writing things I'm way more critical than I am when I'm reading them because I deleted the notes saying that it was going to slow and I needed to speed things up. 

At least I know that I'll always have an audience of one.

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