Oct 12, 2017

Times to Write

There are times that I just need to write. Today is one of them. I come back to this blog and I remember a while ago where I thought there was an off chance that someone would ever read it. Let's be honest with each other, it's by me, for me.

Writing is going stupidly slow right now. I know that I could try to put together more time on writing, but I'm really ashamed that I haven't gotten closer to finishing that story up. I'm thinking next week when it goes into holiday for UVU, I can spend some of that time doing writing. I did manage to get a version of Empath in short story out to the club, but we'll see what happens with that.

It's crazy that I'm doing this tournament league a third time now. I'm looking forward to it, and I'm secretly trying to sort out how in the world to make the best painting I can. I don't really care too much about the prize, but I'd love to do a bang up job on the exalted sorcerer, hit every single detail I can, and just make him the strongest piece I am able. If things work from there, then they work, but I'm at least going to put my hat in the ring and see what comes out. The tricky part will be not cutting it on the details. I always get done with all of the red/yellow blend and then I back out from it and don't do any of the other details. Just look at Magnus. I get done with all of the 'hard' stuff, and then I'm too lazy to do gems.

Basically, story of my life for everything that I keep trying to write and then go back to and delete is that I need to get off of my butt, set aside time to get things done, and just do it. I just needed to write it down. 

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