Sep 14, 2016

One Piece At A Time - Warhammer

I've been overwhelmed with things right now when it comes to the hobby. Instead of dealing with one thing at a time, I let myself start to see the big picture, and that's dangerous.

As you know, maybe, I got my army off ebay which means that I got a lot of assembled things, and only painted things as I needed them for the escalation league. I got my primary army, and instead of stopping there I realized that I had more figures to paint, and so I just dove in and started to paint. The only problem with that is that before I was painting with a purpose. I painted my terminators because I needed a terminator force. I painted my thousand sons because I wanted thousand sons. I did everything because I wanted to have it as part of my army.

Now I have figures, and they need to be painted, but I'm not painting with any purpose, so I'm just looking at this stack of figures and having no desire to ever paint them because I don't know if or how they'll even fit into the bigger picture of the army.

Today, instead of focusing on the mob of everything (1 hell brute, 23 CSM marines, 10 thousand sons, 2 daemon princes, 3 rhinos, some chosen, another terminator lord, and a few possessed) I stopped worrying about all of them and put all of my attention onto the hellbrute, and only focused on that.

In one day I've done more work on that hellbrute than I have in the months that it's been sitting on my desk staring at me. Instead of trying to understand it in the big picutre, the only way I've gotten any damage done on the figure is going piece by piece.

Take that for what you will.

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