Nov 25, 2013

Trophy Whore

So I started looking around for what trophies I do have, and what I don't have, and then that started to make me think about which ones are the best that I have versus the ones that everyone seems to have. Oddly enough, the games that I'm most proud of, and have easily dumped the most time into, are the ones that are on my rarest trophy list (Borderlands, Disgaea, SSX)

I know that I should be working on my final paper for my theory class, but this just seemed to be much more interesting that feminist theory in The Turn of the Screw.  I really do need to start working on that, I was so overjoyed this morning when I checked blackboard and found out that it was Thanksgiving week this week, so that my paper was put off another week that instead of working on it, I procrastinated myself into this.

While I'm typing, I might as well put some thoughts out about it.

The general idea is that although people would like to throw a feminist reading and interpretation onto the story, that upon a true reading of the story that the story does not support that, and that the reading feminists would come up with is wrong.

That means that the first thing that I have to do is come up with a legitimate and stable understanding of feminist theory in application to The Turn of the Screw. Once I am able to create a feminist reading, then I'll be able to deconstruct it and show it for the flaws that it has, and the arguments that it makes is not true, specifically in the fact that the expectations given to one gender completely undermine and subvert the standards that are being put upon the other. (Typically feminist theory is going to privilege the woman and the role of women within the story, and completely forget about the men and what they are dealing with)

The only way that I'm going to be able to do that is to deep read the feminist theory for the class, make sure that I know them and their arguments forwards and backwards, and then I'm going to have to re-read the story with a pen in hand and highlight and show through the text where their theories are supported and where they are deconstructed and shown as something else. That's a lot of reading. Hopefully staying home for Thanksgiving will give me the time to do that . . . just after as I platinum Skyrim first.

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