Nov 27, 2013

I Forget Sometimes

Alicia is awesome.

Sometimes I forget that she isn't used to some of the things that I just take for granted. In the past week I planned to cook and have Thanksgiving. It's not much (for a Thanksgiving). On the menu is-
- a turkey
- green bean caserol (the one with the onions on the top)
- cranberries (two types of canned, or as I like to think of them, as creamy and chunky)
- mashed potatoes (real potatoes, no flakes for us!)
- stuffing, and lots of it (It was about four years ago when Alicia found out that you could buy and have stuffing on other days besides Thanksgiving and went bonkers. She loves the stuff)
- Jello
- brown and server rolls (as a person who likes to bake, it hurts me to use these, but it's one of the things that Alicia loves to have, so they take priority over home made rolls for this meal, I'm sure for Christmas or just a random Tuesday, I could make homemade rolls and then promptly eat the entire batch)
- two pies

For the traditional American, that is what I would consider a 'bare bones' Thanksgiving while still sticking with the made at home option. Maybe going a bit overboard with two pies AND a  Jello, but turkey, rolls, stuffing, cranberries from a can, it's just the bare bones of Thanksgiving.

Tonight, when I was putting her down to bed (I needed to stay up and do the Jello and the pie) she said that she was shocked with how much I was doing for Thanksgiving and wasn't expecting to any of it and just how over the top I was doing Thanksgiving. I said it wasn't anything, and then she hit me with this one- "You know what me and my mom did for one Thanksgiving? We went to the 7-11 and had hotdogs." 

I might get mad at her sometimes for some things around the house and in family life that I take as normal, but sometimes I just forget that Alicia's childhood was slightly different than mine and simple things like her own bedroom and not just a couch to sleep on are still newer things for her and she simply doesn't know how to do things like clean her bedroom because it was never an option.

Now, let's just hope that she never finds out about this blog because she will murder me dead when she finds out that I wrote about her in a place that could be read by other people. So I will say it again, Alicia is awesome, and somedays I forget just how awesome she is.

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