Jan 27, 2014

The More I Think About It. . .

The more I want to DM.

Seriously, it's a way for me to wind down after a crazy week of school and work. It always has been, and it's a great way for me to get the nerdy out of the way so that it doesn't get put into my story or my school work.

With that in mind, here are a few tools that I'm looking at, while at work. I don't have enough time to go through all of them and make sure there are ones that I like and what is going on with them, so we're going to stick with putting them on here, and slowly going through them while at work so that I can figure out the rest of my campaign and what I want to do with it.


We'll see how well those work for online map tools, and we'll work from there. Hopefully one of them works smoothly but is able to get the job done of putting pictures on a grid with some bold lines around them so that we know where the walls are.

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