Jan 9, 2014


As a part time stay at home dad, I laugh at people that have eight hour work days. My day starts when I wake up, and it doesn't stop until I sleep. I'm always doing something. I'm either taking care of my daughter, cooking dinner, cleaning clothes, cleaning the house, doing homework, or making sure that my wife is doing good, that there are some days when my job is from the moment I'm up to the moment I'm down, and then even stretches into when I'm down because it's 'my turn' to be with the baby.

I'm not complaining, but what I am doing is saying, stay at home moms, suck it up. I can do it. I know what you're going through, and it's a job. You knew what you were getting yourself into. You have a partner that can help. And if he's not willing to help, yell at him. Tears work wonders on us. Two tears and at least some sobbing and you can get us to do whatever you want. If we don't do it, then get rid of that idiot, and find a guy who cares enough that he will do what you want after two tears and some sobs.

As for other stay at home dads out there- keep rocking!
Kick butt, have happy kids, enjoy being with them, and take them out in public and rub it in the faces of sad, depressed, stay at home moms who have nothing in their lives that you're playing with your kids and you love it. Nothing quite makes my day quite like going to the post office and seeing a tired, stressed out, frazzled mom with a kid close to the same age as my daughter, and the two of us are giggling and laughing. You want a death stare? Play a game of peek-a-boo with your kid (or any other fun game depending on their age) in a line of cranky house wives who gave up all of their hopes and dreams to stay at home and have kids.

When in doubt just remember this- kids are bullet proof. As long as you feed them and nap them, they're pretty indestructible. Enjoy being with them, because there's some idiot out there that's working 12 hour shifts, breaking his back, and gets to see nothing more than his kids asleep when he leaves the house in the morning, and go to sleep once he gets home.

Seriously can't wait until it gets warmer so I can start making park mom's angry with playing with my daughter. Death stares from the gossip bench, can hardly wait.

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