Jan 3, 2014


At first go around Ni No Kuni was a little weird for me. It seemed a little too Freudian, and then there was a hint of it being too much for kids, didn't quite have the *umph* that you'd expect. But the more I play it, the more it grows on me and makes me want to keep on playing.

I can't quite put my finger on it, why I like it so much, but I just keep wanting to go back. It reminds me of a few of those early games that I've played. Those that I could just play, enjoying the story, grind a bit with minimal goals hanging around, difficult, but not too difficult. After 10 hours of gameplay, I'm starting to be convinced why people are starting to talk about it being game of the year.

The downer is that school is going to start back up, I need to start writing a bunch, and then my time being able to play is going to go down. Boo for not being able to dump hundreds of unadulterated hours into a game with no limitations.

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