Mar 27, 2017

A reminder

I am putting this here as a reminder to myself.


I was tempted to buy a few new things for Warhammer a few nights ago, but luckily my store didn't have what I wanted. Then I went home and realized that I have ARMIES to paint. Yes, I do have the joy of the one painted CSM army that I posted up a while ago, but then I looked in my shelves and bins, and realized that I have HUNDREDS of models that still need some painting love.

Just as a reminder to myself, here's a few of the armies that need attention -

Then by accident I found some bretonian bits, and some skaven bits, not to mention the half painted chaos army for fantasy. That's not to mention the vargheist box that I have for my VC army, or the batallion box for the high elfs. Then, of course I still have to assemble and paint a little guy named Nagash. You know, little things.

Then comes the stupidity of 40k.

Within 40k I still have the eldar army to paint (picture pending), and then to add insult to injury, I have the fateweaver that I'm running as a prince, the start collecting tzeentch box, the extra screemers, the occult terminators, the exalted sorcerers, and the tzangor chosen that I'm running as sorcerers. On top of ALL of that mess, I still have to assemble and paint Magnus.

I do NOT need to buy anything new.

I just have to keep reminding myself of all of the grey host armies that I have floating around and the work that I need to do on them FIRST before I do anything else new.

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