Jun 2, 2016

What To Do Next

For six months I've been working on one project - my thousand sons army.

As you have seen (and will continue to see) I am VERY happy that this is my first army that I've completed, but there's always the next project.

The next projects that I have ready and lined up are as follows -
Make my Thousand Sons army into an apocolypse force. We're talking two demon princes, a second terminator lord, a third rhino, finalize the maulerfiend, a second unit of thousand sons, chosen, raptors, another lord, and then 23 marines. I've got a lot to work with here, and there's enough diversity that I could honestly spend the next few months working on them for a while and be just fine with it. The good side to this is that it gives me more diversity with my army. By adding that much into it that will be painted and ready to go, I could go as large as an apocolypse battle and be happy to field something because I'd be ready to throw a STUPID amount of points at the table. This is most likely the option that I'm going to go with because I should finish what I start. I still have more to work on with this, and I need to finish it.

I also have the option to finally go back to my roots and do some more vampires. I've got a horde of models (literally) just sitting around, and I've got a lot to do with them. I've got units of grave guard, ghouls, dire wolves, black knights, hexwraiths, and all sorts of undead goodness that need some time. The good time to this is the pure numbers of them. With the massive amount of numbers, I've got a massive amount of work, the only down side to this is that finding a game to use them in is near impossible.

Then there's the elves. None of them are painted (or at least none that I'd like to take credit for, there are still those that I painted while in Karlskrona). That reminds me that I should send something to Elder Ringer, and show him the obsession that he's implanted. With the elves, I have a fresh army. I start with nothing and can make them look and be however I want. It's daunting because I have that freedom, but at the same point it's a great thing because I can do whatever I want and that's just down right freeing.

Now I just have to figure out which one I want to do.

In other news, tonight my personal goal happened. There were two things that happened tonight and both of them were exactly what I have always set as a goal for myself. The first was that someone would look at my paint jobs and go 'wow, I want mine to look like that' or something along those lines. It's a low mark, but I wanted someone in the hobby to look at what I did and then be shocked that I've only been really hardcore painting for about six months, that they would look at what I have and want that for their own army. The other thing that happened, I've always wanted someone to look at what I have and then be shocked that I work with junk paint from Walmart. I'm not using expensive paints, or expensive brushes, I'm using things that you can buy for small moneys, not lots and lots of money. Tonight was the night where skill, not a thick wallet, made things look good.

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