Mar 9, 2016

The List

Okay people, let's do the list. Here's what's on the official Chaos Space Marine list, versus whatever I actually own. Now with fancy colors just to clear things up.

Khorne Lord of Skulls - Don't have one - don't want one. 
Land Raider - Don't have one - sure, I could have one. 
Heldrake - Have one - always nice to have another. 
Maulerfiend - Have one - meh, don't need another. 
Forgefiend - don't have one - same thing as maulerfiend.
Defiler - don't have one - yup, want one. 
Vindicator - don't have one - could use one. 
Predator - don't have one - could use one.
Hellbrute - have one - could use a spare. 
Obliterators/Mutilators - don't have them - meh, could possibly use one. 
Terminators - have 10 - don't need any more, ever. Seriously, just don't. 
Plague Marines - don't have them - possibly, but it's not my army and doesn't fit. 
Havocs - don't have them - sure, go for it. 
Bikers - don't have them - would be nice to have them. 
Chaos Marines - have them - don't need more - seriously. Just don't. 
Rhino - have multiple - don't need any more. 
Nurgle Daemon Prince - don't have one - doesn't fit my army but it's an interesting model.
Daemon Prince - yes have one - always nice to have more. 
Traitors of chaos - don't have one - don't want one because it makes no sense - just no. 
Raptors - have them - could use a bit more of the actual model not the proxy ones that I'm running. 
Warp talons - have 5 - could use another 5 but low priority because they suck but look amazing. 
Possessed - have them - don't need more. 
Warpsmith - don't have it - could use one. 
Attack Squad - don't have it - don't want it. 
Terminator Lord - have it - it looks awesome - have a spare - don't need any more. 
Lord with jump pack - don't have it - meh, low priority, don't know how I would fit it in. 
Typhus - don't have it - doesn't fit my army, but an interesting addition. 
Abaddon - don't have it - want it. 
Ahriman - don't have it - want it. 
Thousand sons upgrade - have two of them - could use more, I like them, make sure to get a normal pack of marines to go with them because it's just the upgrade pack and need a regular group to work with them. 
Aspiring Champion - Don't have it - could possibly use it. 
Marine Lord - don't have it - could figure out someplace to put it, but low priority. 
Kharn - don't have it - see Typhus - it's interesting, but not necessary. 
Fabius Bile - don't have it - again, not really quite sure how to naturally fit it in, but could be fun. 
Sorcerer - don't have it - not necessary, I've already got me 1k sons stuff to fit the sorcerer job. 
Lucius - don't have it - not a natural fit, but could use one. 
Huron - don't have it - not a natural fit, but could use one. 
Dark Apostle - don't have it - not a natural fit, but could one
Cypher - don't have it - no clue, but sure, why not?

Noise marine - don't have it - sure, why not (just need more marines to splice with)
Warsmith - don't have it - not a natural fit, but why not?
Cultists - have some - don't need more 
All of the other packs and stuff - No. Don't do it. 

Then comes there's the stupidity of Forgeworld. 

Oh my, this is expensive city. They're big, they're bad, and they're expensive. This is when you need a present to instantly make me forget whatever it was that you told me before. If you want to forgive you of whatever just happened, forgeworld is the place that you would turn to. I'm going to just show the green light ones because wow - they're awesome (but totally non-necessary and most people won't even allow a person to field forgeworld stuff because it's too broken and over powered). 

Titan - Warhound - not Reaver. Yes, you could figure out a way to do a reaver, but that's just too much. Stick with the smaller one. Still expensive as all get out, and no real reason to ever get one any time soon. Remember that you get the body, and then you have to get the arms that go with it. Yes, they're separate. As awesome as it is, they're really low priority. Super low.

Brass Scorpion - Yes. Want. They look lovely. I don't even know how/when I would field one, but this over the titan. This I could try to convince someone to let me field, and when in doubt I could throw in this and proxy it as a defiler. 

Chaos Knight - This over one of the titans. The bigger the model, the less and less chance I have to ever run it.  

Hell Talon -  This is just lovely. This is up there on the Scorpion level of awesome. It's also possible to have this and then if someone is too upset about it just say it's a Helldrake. 

Hell Blade  - Same thing as the Talon. They're just lovely. 

Thousand Sons Dreadnought - Oh yes. This is the thing. Again, you're going to need some arms to go with this awesome thing, but this would fit lovely in the army that I have and want to run. This is the purchase that I play in my head and would love.

Thousand Sons upgrade sets - there's torsos, there's heads, there's all sorts of things. ALL OF THE UPGRADES FOR ALL OF THE THOUSAND SONS! Just as long as you make sure there's an equal set of legs, torsos, heads, right arms, and left arms, if it says thousand sons, I want it. I am running a Thousand sons army. Anything that works towards that is what I like. 

Of course there's the crazy world of chaos deamons. It's the sibling army that goes hand in hand with what I want to play, so if you decide to go that route, get anything that says the words Tzeentch on it.
That means things like a Kairos Fateweaver, Lord of Change, The Blue Scribes, Heralds on a disc, Burning chariots, with or without heralds, screamers, pink horrors, flamers, or even the changeling are all great options from GW's site. Big things like the lord of change, only need one of those. Units of things like the screamers and horrors, send packages of. 

That is one, and only one of my hobbies. But now you know. I know that no one reads this, but I'm at least throwing this up here so that there's a possibility that next time presents start rolling around (Christmas) you'll know what to get me (because I know that I'm not going to be buying anything new any time soon).   

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