Feb 1, 2015


Addison loves to 'hide'.

It's exactly what you would expect out of a two year old. It's cute, she thinks she's invisible, and I play along to make her happy. She loves it when I act like she's not there and she's actually hiding, or it takes me a few tries to figure out which room she is in or where she's at. She's not actually hiding, in fact she's just about as conspicuous as she could possibly be because she typically starts yelling out, "Hiding!" over and over again to make sure that everyone knows that she's invisible and can not be found with her head buried into the corner of the couch or a pile of blankets.

I am 28 years old, and I'm starting to realize that in a slightly more adult way, I've been doing the same exact thing in my own life. I keep trying to push things away, and keep trying to hide from what is staring me right in the face, but it's there. As much as I try to avoid it, it's there.

I can't hide any better, and I think it's about time that I suck it up, fess up, and just accept the cards that have been dealt to me. No more hiding, time to pull my head out from behind the pillow that I'm covering my face with, and start facing the truth.

This is going to hurt.

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