Jan 2, 2016

Chaos Space Marines

We remember this guy as my test guy right?
We've seen him for a while, I finished him back in November, well luckily now the entire unit of chaos space marines is finished!

The problem with that picture? Not enough detail! So there's ten of those guys, you've already seen quite a bit of number 10 (see above) so here's the front and back detail of each of these lovely little messes of chaos.

As a reminder these guys are a mark of Tzeentch with a flame icon, or at least that's what I wanted them to be. Not sure how that works out, but it's cool colors and an excuse to color blend so this is what happened. 

#1 front

#1 back

#2 front

#2 back

#3 front

#3 back

#4 front

#4 back

#5 front

#5 back

#6 front

#6 back

#7 front

#7 back

#8 front

#8 back

#9 front

#9 back

A friendly reminder, I'm still learning, but I show pretty big resolution shots of them so that I can learn from them as well as show off how I'm learning and growing. I'm well aware that there are some mistakes and obvious errors with these paint jobs, but I'm also really proud of them so I want you to be able to see all of that work, close up and personal. I'm not trying to hide the ugly ones in the back of the unit, or trying to blur past them in a quick youtube video, I want everything to be seen in good detail. I spent time making them, so you have this chance to spend time looking at them.

Any tips or suggestions on how I can be better or what to do next, please leave a comment because I want to know how to get better.

Next project a five man unit of warp talons.

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