Jan 31, 2016

1500 Points

Here they are. 1500 points worth of Tzeentch awesome. I'll get some more pictures up when the terminators get a bit better together. It's looking like that my apoc list will be significantly different, making a unit of those thousand sons totally different and starting to play around with some of the organizations that make it a whole lot deadlier, but for 1,500 points this isn't too shabby. 10 terminators, 10 thousand sons, 10 chaos space marines, two rhinos, a hell drake, and a terminator sorcerer. Grand total of models - 34.

Again, think back to my vampire counts, there's entire units of zombies/skeletons that are more models than this. This is why I love me some chaos, you can field a stupid amount of points for almost no models at all. It's relaxing having an elite army. Less to worry about, less to paint, less to field, less to memorize rule wise.

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