Dec 2, 2013

Religion At Work

I work with idiots. High school drop outs, druggies, and the list only gets better from there.

The topic of religion came up at work today, and the self emancipated high school drop out who is about as ignorant as anything you can imagine, during the middle of a discussion about differing beliefs (which was quite peaceful) said without any introduction or reasoning, "F@#$ Jesus" turned back around and then went back to work.

This got everyone up in arms about what was going on, and his reasoning was this. If a person was listening in and hearing different beliefs about Jesus they would find that just as offensive as him saying F@#$ Jesus to a group of believers. What he meant by this (from what I could understand) was that swearing about the person people worship, is just as bad as people talking about what they believe to a person who doesn't believe.

No idiot the equivalent action would be if people that believed said something like "F@#$ atheism" or "F@#$ science" or even something more obscene like "F@#$ Muhammad".

Talking like adults and trying to understand where people are coming from and what exactly it is that they believe in is not offensive to anyone. That is something that everyone is striving for, trying to be understood. Nothing is offensive about it, it's an open situation where people are not being judged and they're simply trying to understand what other people are thinking.

One person said that saying something like what he said was blasphemous. His response, "He'll forgive me."


He's arguing for people that don't believe in Christ or God, and then he turns around and believes in the teachings and what they say. I stopped listening at this point because the stupid hurt me.

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