Dec 16, 2013

Cold in C

Thanks to living in Sweden, cold in my mind is always related to Sweden. It's the first place that I really dealt with the really cold, and had to do so way more often than I wanted. That means that cold in my mind, is always understood in C not in F.

This means that when people are talking to me about how cold it is outside and they say that it's -4 or something like that, I don't get impressed. -4 really isn't that bad. Now if you were to tell me that it was -20 outside, I'd agree with you and tell you to bundle up because -20 is chilly.

So, if you're ever talking to me about weather, and want me to react properly, keep in mind the simple rule. 
If it's over 50 F, keep it in F. If it's under  50 F, transfer over to C because I don't know have any understanding just how cold 5 F is, but I do know quite well how cold -15 C is.

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