Nov 20, 2016

Something I've Realized

Google is easy to screw around with. If you know what you're doing, and even try just a little bit, you can get pictures of Warhammer that you have painted to pop up in the top rows of things fairly quickly.

It scares me that I can google my army name (Thousand Sons army) and sure enough, on that list I have a picture. What's even spookier is when I can search for one of my first models painted in my life, and he shows up multiple times (Mannfred Von Carstien Mortarch).

I'm actually going to play around with this a bit after Thanksgiving break. I want to see just how I can play around with this, and I want to show off my army a bit as there's a big release of thousand sons models and information, so it's going to get interesting.

The only thing that I'm going off of on is the simple fact that although there are 'views' on this blog, I don't think I have any faithful readers, so I'm going to do whatever I want with this blog just to have fun and see what stuff I can do. I'm bored, this is my playground, and so I'm going to do it. I'm sorry if there is anyone who does actually show up to read my ramblings.

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