Jun 1, 2015

What My American Life Is

I'm a few seasons into this project, and I realize that a lot of the new readers that keep popping up may not have a clue what in the world I'm writing about or why I have the tag, "My American Life" pop up every now and again.

My American Life is a project to keep me writing and getting new content on here when things get slow. There is a radio program called This American Life and I really like it, so I'm going through every single episode and writing something that hopefully has something to do with the topic for that episode. Sometimes I write something from my life, sometimes I write an idea that is somewhat related, most times I throw in pictures that I pull from google images because it's never fun to just read walls of texts some times, and other times I just yell at TAL (This American Life) for doing the stupid Poultry Slam another year in a row because there's only so much that one person can write about poultry and I've already done it.

Seriously guys.

Stop it.

We don't need to talk about poultry any more. Or any of the topics that you seem to love to recycle because you don't think that anyone is dumb/bored enough to go through and listen to every single broadcast that you've ever produced. Well the joke's on you! I'm that dumb and bored!

I'll most likely write a post like this every time I get to another year. I just started 1998 so expect another refresher like this when I finally make it to '99.

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