Jun 3, 2015

Three Challenges in Warhammer

Shout out to a fellow blogger who did the math for me.

He's working in pounds instead of dollars, and it's a bit of a different format than what I would create, but while trying to create my own version of this, I ran into someone who had already did it.


Just posting it here to give it another source so that people who stumble upon me, will know where to look. What that is, is a place for you to see the relative cost of things. This is to answer that question of 'how many points can I get in _____ box?' or things like that.

The more that I keep poking around, the more I want to see if I can figure out some weird army builds just because I want to know what the answers are.

If you'd like to take up the challenge there are three of them.

1) Create a playable army of at least 2,000 points in Warhammer fantasy for the fewest models possible. It doesn't matter what they cost in real life money, I want you to put as few figures as possible on the table. Any army, any magical items, whatever you want, just get me 2,000 points on the table for the fewest pieces possible.

2) Create a playable army of at least 2,000 points in Warhammer fantasy for the cheapest price you can possibly find. I don't care what's on the table, which army it's from, or even if the army is any good, the only goal is money. The only limitation for this is that you can't use things on ebay, or limited edition stuff. You can find items on ebay for weird prices, I want this so that if anyone out there is broke (or stupid) enough to try to make this army that they'll be able to do it.

3) Create a playable army of 2,000 points (no going over) with the biggest price tag on them possible. The price tag must be only for the models, not for including anything else (no buying painting services or anything like that). Figure out which models are the most expensive to buy, and throw them all into the same 2,000 point team, that actually works as a team. I want to make someone's wallet scream when they see the price tag of a specific army (Oddly, I think that this might be won by Skaven, because you can just create a horde of the smallest armies that only cost a handful of points, and then field 1,000 of them which would require a lot of money).

Feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments below, or email them to me (Adrillf@gmail.com) and I'll put up your solutions to the puzzles.

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