Nov 19, 2016


I'm impossible to shop for. I know this. So, in honor of keeping things super secret with no one that I know reading this - this is what I want for Christmas, my birthday, or any other reason that you want to buy me stuff.

No restrictions. No limitations. Until further notice, feel free to buy as many of any of these. This is updated, new models, and rules for the army that I play. FINALLY they're getting an update, so yeah, feel free to buy to your heart's content. I'll use them all.

and for what the boxes will most likely look like -

Officially, the big ones that I'm looking at and loving every second are the rubric marines, then the terminators, then the sorcerers, then Ahriman, then possibly the tzaangors, but that's mainly because I know nothing about them. Either way, go ahead, buy away, I'm going to use them no matter how many or what mix you get.

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