Apr 21, 2016

Warhammer 40k Thousand Sons - My Way

 They're not 'done done' because there's a bit more edge highlights that I need to throw on there just to polish up the last few of them, and then there's the case of basing, but the unit as a whole is finally finished.

I don't want to go through each one quite yet and give a big blown up picture of each one, but here's my Thousand Sons Sorcerer. I'm not really quite sure why they all have the color blend on them, but by now, it just looks awesome, so I keep on doing it. As an important reminder - these are not a typical Thousand Sons in any way. The models are a bit off. There should be no close combat weapons on anyone but the leader, and the leader should not be rocking that staff and a sword. It's nice to see him with it, but it's not exactly kosher. I liked how it looked, therefore I made it happen. 

As always - any critique or comments about how I could become better are always appreciated.

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