Apr 12, 2016


I was watching videos on the train, and ran into things like this where the guy owns a STUPID amount of points of an army. Seriously, 34,000 points? That's beyond how many points that were at the apocalypse game I played, for both tables. Given, he does cheat just a bit because he puts deamons and marines together (marines alone are 28,000 points), but still 34,000 points is a LOT of points even if he didn't paint them all (which I think is just weird, but that's just me)

That made me wonder - what's my army point value at? If I fielded everything, just how many points could I put out? No limits, unbound, what would happen?

And I didn't know that answer, so this is the post to sort that out.

Troops - 

Cultists - 16 (8 cc, 6 ranged, 1 heavy, 1 flamer, 1 lead with shot)

CSM troops - 32 (2 flamers, 2 heavy, 15 with only bolter, 12 with pistol cc, champ with plasma and powerfist)

Elites -
Chosen - 6 (bolter, bolter & mace, axe & bolter, double lightning claw, plain bolter, pistol & power fist)
Possessed - 5 (they don't have wings, I need to remember that)
Terminators - 10 (axe&bolt, reaper&sword, axe&bolt, powerfist&flamer, axe&bolt, mace&flame, mace&flame, powerfist&bolt, axe&combi, champion with powerfist&combi)
Hellbrute - regular

Thousand Sons - This one is tricky, because there's 17 regular guys, 2 with swords (that could be sorcerers if they needed to be) and 2 regular sorcerer models. I'm going to show them as I see them and take one of the sorcerers and bounce it down to HQ, which means I've got 20. 19 regular, 1 sorcerer for all of them. I'm also aware of just how little this group makes sense as they are carrying close combats, and they don't do that. Just live with me here for a second and assume that they are what I say they are because that's what they are.

Rhino - 3 (one is not yet built)

Fast Attack -
Raptors - 5 (but have possessed wings)
Warp Talons - 5

Heavy Support -

HQ -
Terminator (lord or sorc) - staff & bolt
Terminator (lord or sorc) - no arms yet, up to whatever. 
Crimson slaughter (lord or sorc) - sword and pistol
Sorcerer - sword&staff
Daemon Prince - wings, sword
Daemon Prince (Dragon Ogre from fantasy) - axe
Tzeentch Lord/sorc on a disk - spear

That's 103 models.

This means on the low end, nothing special, nothing fancy we have the following point total for this mob is 3,372 points (about 1/10 of what the movie showed at the top of this), and the high end (from what I'm able to tell) is something along the lines of 5,200 points.

Low end average - 32.7 pts.
High end average - 50.5 pts.

I don't even want to talk about that compared to my zombies. This is truly an 'elite' army. Not too many things on the board, but wow, can I make points just fall from the sky. The thing with this calculation is that it's been done at 3:00 in the morning after grading papers for most of my classes. It is very easily off by a few (hundred) points.

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