Nov 3, 2015


Shhhh, don't tell anyone, but I'm thinking about 40k.

Fantasy is dead and dying around these parts, but there is a 40k tournament that is being thrown together. I might crash and burn, but hey, it'll get me out and playing games which is what I want to do, so yay for that.

Even better news was that there was a Chaos group for sell on CL and I inherited them, so time for me to sit down and figure out what in the world I have so that I know what in the world I can field. By the way, seriously, 40k has WAYYYYY too many options. Even entire units don't have to match weapons or things. It's really frustrating trying to sort this all out because I know that I'm going to get it wrong.

But, I'm sitting down with the codex now, and I'm going to try to figure out what in the world I have.

Helldrake with baleflamer - yup, got me one of them. Luckily there's not much that I can screw up with that model. 170 points.

Hellbrute (but missing the head/face in the middle, so I'm going to kit bash it with something from fantasy) - 105 points. It's looking like it's just the normal one without any of the upgrades, but I'm just guessing at this point, I'm still trying to sort things out to be able to understand what in the world is going on.

Maulerfiend - 125 points, but it's looking like it has lasher tendrils, so yay! extra 10 pts there to bring it up to a total of 135.

Crimson Slaughter Chaos Lord - starts at 65, but from the looks of things, I'm thinking that he's doing the whole terminator armour, power weapon and combi-bolter because sure, why not, and I'm thinking that's a spare 40 points that I get to add on top of that. From there, we can also dump in terminator weapons, chaos rewards, special issue wargear and/or chaos artefacts (let's go give those a look to see what stupidity I could throw on the table. Starting with the terminator weapons, I'm thinking I'm going to keep what I have. With chaos rewards, so many options! ONE OF EACH! Ummm. . . for now, let's just stick to ichor blood (5), gift of mutation (10), aura of dark glory (15), combat familiar (15) and let's throw in a spell familiar just for kicks as well (15). I was originally joking about what I would possibly throw on this guy and do one of each, but well, I can throw all of them on him, and all of them sound really helpful, so I'm going to do it. That covers rewards, and brings me up to a total of 165 points, now onto special issue wargear to get even more points! It looks like he might have a jump pack but with my totally unknowing knowledge about the whole deal, I'm going to count it. Give the man a jump pack! (15) Now I don't know how bonuses work, but I'm going to assume they're okay to stack so I start getting stupid high invulnerable saves, because everyone loves saves, so let's throw on a sigil of corruption for another (25). This brings this one guy up to 205 points. Finally, let's give a look at artefacts to see what they've got. Yeah, he's got a sword, so he needs to make it the murder sword for a token (35) more. That brings this one guy up to a total cost of 240 points, and shows just why I love chaos. DUMP ALL THE POINTS INTO ONE PERSON!

Just to be clear, that's four models, and I'm already sitting at an easy 650 points. Given, in fantasy Mannfred is the same 650 points, and only one model, but unlike Mannfred's hordes of zombies that come at dirt cheap, all of the other stuff that's about to get thrown on the field is no where close to the cheap that zombies and skeletons run in my vampires.

Unit of Chosen - that starts out at 90, and then we explode from there. First things first, we're adding a guy. The unit leader could possibly be statted out to be someone else holding a power weapon that's a mace or something like that, but for now, we're going to just keep things simple and make it a unit of six guys for a cost of an extra (18). From there on out, HOLY COW are there a ton of options. I don't get what ANY of this means, so I'm going to just nod my head and think that I know what's going on. All I know is that I'm also going to strap the unit into the Chaos Rhino that I have for a cost of (35). That brings this unit together with transport to 143, but I KNOW that I can mess with this more and add a lot of points into this thing that I didn't even want to imagine. Just from the looks of things on my models, I'm thinking that at least one of my models has double lightning claws (30 points), my champion has a power weapon, so that's (15), one of my regular guys has a power axe, so that's another (15) and it's looking like another has a power fist (25). The ranged weapons are significantly harder to sort out, so I'm not going to try to do that. With this six man party, I could throw a mark on them for a bonus (12) for my personal favorite chaos deity of Tzeentch. As for the icon, I'm thinking icon of vengence for (25). Let's go full ham and throw on a veterans of long war for another (12). Then happy days, we can trick out the Rhino as well, so let's throw on warpflame gargoyles, extra armour, and a havoc launcher for (27).

There we go, that's a good guess into what those six guys can do, so the grand total comes out to be - 304 points.

If we include the transport that they took to be so amazing as a 7th model, that roughly translates to about 43 points per model. Oh chaos, don't you ever go changing your ways. Always let me do stupid things like this so I don't have to field 100 zombies.

That brings the total up to 954 - almost the same as Zacharias on his zombie dragon.

Let's see if we can get it to the golden number of 1,500 which is where the tournament size caps out at.

Next unit up for the slaughter! I've got 6 Terminator models, the question is if I want to split them into two groups of three, or just have them stay together in a pile of death and wreck face as a huge unit. I'm most likely going to break them up so I can get more points out of it. Never mind, checked models and one of them is a chaos sorcerer, he just had all of the pointy bits that the terminators had, so I thought he was a terminator. Let's take the sorcerer first because it's awesome.

Sorcerer - 60 points starting. Oh, I just looked at some of these points, and we're about to blow a whole lot of points on this guy. First, two more levels of mastery (50). He's going in terminator armour, so that's another (25). Let's cover the easy ones from there - mark of Tzeentch (15), veteran of long war (5), and then we get to deal with terminator weapons, chaos rewards, special issue wargear and chaos artefacts, and we're already up to 155. Dimensional Key (25) and black mace (45) will be the artefacts. Sigil of corruption for (25). With the rewards, let's clean house and get all of them again, ichor blood (5), gift of mutation (10), aura of dark glory (15), combat familiar (15) and a spell familiar (15). There we go! Another big point value model down, and he comes to the cost of - 310 points.

We're up to 1264!

Back to those terminators.

Unit of three terminators start at 95, but I'm adding two more for 31 a piece for an additional (62). Now time to sort out the weapons. I've got at least a power fist (7), and a chain fist (12). With there being five models they've also got a heavy flamer (10). Let's also go with a gift of mutation (10) and we're going mark of Tzeentch for the unit (25) and an icon of vengeance (35). Because it's awesome we'll also have long war (15). Total - 271.

1,535! Oh no! I'm going to have to start cutting things because I'm not even into my major units. Stupid chaos eating up points like candy.

Warptalons - five models at 160 starting, two gifts of mutation for leader (20), makr of Tzeentch for the unit (30) and long war (15) for a total of - 225.

Cultists - starting 50 points for 10 models. Add another six (24). I'm not sure how many went from pistol to gun, so I'm going to guess on it and say (4), one flamer (5), shotgun for champ (2) and Tzeentch for everyone! (16). That brings the total for them to - 101.

Chaos Space Marines - Unit of 5 starting at 75. 5 close combat weapons (10), champion with power fist (25), gift of mutation (10), melta bombs (5), icon of vengeance (25), mark of tzeentch (10), and long war (5). Total - 160.

Chaos Space Marines - #2 (which potentially would be better as one giant unit, but I'll split it for now) start at 75. plasma piston (15), aspiring with combi-melta (10), gift of mutation (10), melta bombs (5), icon of vengeance (25), mark of tzeentch (10) and long war (5). Total - 155

That means that if I keep everything at full point sucking crazy mode, I'd have a total army of about 2,176 points. Not too bad considering I could drop the cultists to bring it down to a lot closer to 2,000, and then I'd have an entire army of 2k points with only 32 models. That comes down to on average each unit costing about 64 points per model, and that is just crazy. I don't expect them to last too long, and I'm sure there's better things out there, but it's only 32 models.

Compared to the skeletons that I just finished, it's two less models, but 1,900 points more.

Now I just have to figure out the color palate that I'm going to stick with throughout the 32 units to make them all work together so that I can paint once I get done grading. Speaking of which, enough slacking, I have to go grade.

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