Nov 20, 2015

Impossible To Fail

With the grading that I've done, and the comments that I've gotten back from my administration, I have learned that as long as students participate and show up to class, it is impossible for them to fail the course that I teach. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but it's what I'm stuck with for now.

In other news, to put it into context, here's how small these guys are. Scale is always needed.

To be perfectly clear, that is a normal stick of chapstick, not some crazy huge thing that makes ratios look wrong. That's a standard, Walmart bought stick, and it is directly next to some chaos space marines for scale.

In other news, my test sample finally got a buddy last night! I'm thinking I'm just going to do color blending and then metal on each piece first then move onto the next piece, then do the entire unit's edge highlights at the same time. It'll be one big nerdy blast.

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