May 27, 2015

The Hyper Aggressive Student

I don't know what it is, but without fail in each of my classes I have a boy who can only focus on one thing - how much of a man he is. He writes about fighting, he writes about his stupid exploits of being a hormone driven teenager, and he only focuses on violence.

At first I thought it was an abnormality, but it turns out that it just always works out that one student just has to prove how much of a sterotypical, dumb, muscle head they can be.

Don't worry, there's also the student that has to show just how individual and special they are and that because they're not part of the main crowd that they're standing above everyone and think that they're so much better than everyone they see, but hey, hyperviolent ones are always more interesting.

Here's a section from the most recent hyper masculine return missionary.

During that same Jr. High stage another pivotal moment came that sparked a change in my life. I was always small for my age which allowed for a lot of bullying to take place, which it did. It came to a point where it was not just psychological but physical. I began evaluating my life and the weaknesses that I had that were making me vulnerable to such attack, Things such as being too kind or too sensitive, and being too small in stature. I then made it a goal to overcome any weakness that I had. I began putting up walls of defense within me, weight training, even learning a few self-defense moves. Not soon after I was forced into a fight during P.E while we were outside. But at that point I felt ready, I felt that it was my chance and I knew I had to beat the other guy opposing me with his group of buddies encouraging him on. Not more than 30 seconds later I came out the victor, it sent off a chain reaction as word spread. I gained respect amongst all these punks and finally they started leaving me alone.

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