Jan 20, 2015

Dead Deer - My American Life


 I don't know what it is about my life, but for some reason, dead deer love to wind up in my life. I didn't know about this attraction that dead deer have to me, until I came up to Utah, where there are actually deer. I'm pretty sure that had I grown up in Utah, or in any state that had a nearby deer population that I would have found out about this problem much earlier on in my life, however this is something that I unfortunately did not know about until it was too late and I was already living here.

Dead deer love me, and they love being around me.

I'm never the one that actually does the killing, but I'm the one that's on the scene ready to go, when you're least expecting it, walking around in the morning, bam, dead deer on your lawn.

I didn't start noticing the pattern until it started happening regularly, and I had to deal with dead deer fairly frequently. This all started when I was working grounds crew at BYU. Each morning we would take our 5 gallon buckets and start 'trashing' the fields, which mean going through each of the fields that we were in charge of taking care of, an removing any trash that had been left behind from the night before. Of course there was the normal trash that you would expect to see on a large field that intramural sports had been playing on the night before, but then the deer started.

It started on the north intramural field, on the outside of the fence one morning was a dead deer. I got the honor of calling up the police and getting animal control to remove the carcass from the field, and then dead deer just started popping up from there. Even last week when I had to rush home from work to pick up Addie in time, next to the train tracks on the way home as I walked home - dead deer.

With animals dying and dead animals I used to take it to mean something. Goldfish would die, I'd be sad. Then it progressed from there, thinking about my dead dogs (either one of them, but mainly Shadow) still makes me a little sad, and you'd think that it'd go one step further and go into all of the dead deer that I've stumbled into, but it's getting to the point where I'm getting annoyed by them.

I see a dead deer and my first response is, 'great? Another one!? I have to deal with THIS again?' I get frustrated that the animal chose that spot to die, or that spot to run out in the road and get slammed by an other car. Even live deer I see and I think to myself, 'don't worry buddy, I'll see you when your heart stops beating, you know where I live, just pick a good spot in my front yard when you do.'

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