Jan 6, 2015


The more I edit DA, and the more I work on the characters and making them have particular voices when they write, the dirtier Britney becomes. Her vocabulary and choice of words is just BAD, and I love her for it, and it makes me laugh, but they're words that typically don't show up in my day to day vocabulary so it's awkward for me to write it.

For example, I changed a line where she says, "Classy as possible" to the above phrase. It's even better because she's talking about being classy while you dream about having no pants on and how you just rock the no pants look and be classy as possible throughout the dream because you know it's just a dream. The only problem is that is how I would say it. . . not how Britney would say it.

Britney's going to get me in trouble with someone.

And even if she's not the princess, just because in her world she is -

And even though this song is annoying after the first twenty seconds, all of this
Side note - I'm not editing in google docs, so if you're looking to find my edits in the google docs, they're not in there yet, I'm just keeping a good ol' fashion doc open on my desktop that I'm editing a few pages at a time.

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