Dec 19, 2014

Sverige! - My American (not so really) life

The first thing when I heard this topic was that I had no clue where I was going to find any single letter that I had ever written or sent that wasn't older than maybe a few years thanks to me cleaning out my email every now and again. I really didn't know what was going to happen, but then I remembered the folder in my shelf that I have every single correspondence that I wrote while in Sweden. There's maybe a handful that are missing of what I wrote to some people (the letter I wrote to Idiot and a few others quickly come to mind, although I think it would be interesting to see what I did actually write to Idiot because I keep trying to remember just how harsh I was or what I said and I keep making it worse and worse in my head as to what I said to him in that letter, and I'd really like to know what the actual words were) but luckily for you, I still have some of the other stuff I wrote while in Sweden (Sverige if you're Swedish, hence the title). This isn't exactly my American life, seeing as it happened while in Sweden, but we'll count it because I'm American and it happened to me while being alive.

We're going to one from Alicia (my wife) to me. According to the envelope, we're going to say that this was sent sometime around September 8th, 2006.


I just want to state right now that I am the best lifeguard ever. Becuase over hte course of my 10 hour shift today I will be writing this letter. =) Ok and just for the record, I have about 3 letters started on my comptuer, I just never printed them out. Sorry, I am a lazy fat kid now. Which I'll probably print out tonight becuase there is some stuff I am too lazy to write out.

Ok, I was watching the weather the other day, and you know how August is normally monsoon season for us, well this time last year we had 6 inches of rain for the year, this year, .5 inches for the year. Can you please come into town so we can have a storm or two please. When you left, you took the good weather with you.

I'm a little space so I might jump from one topic to another so get ready.

 full intention of continuing to attend church and go with that direction. And he even goes with me, but he has no intention of becoming a member. Now, I've done my whole own personal prayer. But you are like my best friend and I have to know what you think. Because part of me really wants to do this and knows that this might really work and I would be happy, but then there's that part that just has to know what you think and if you think I am making a mistake. I just don't want you to be dissapointed in me. So thats why I'm kinda in Limbo at church, but its not like I'm leaving, I'm still going and I'm still happy there. I guess my plans are just a little different. And the fact that they keep trying to send me to singles ward, I don't wanna. you know how I feel about single's ward. I just want you to know I'm trying my hardest to do what I think is right for me.

Ok, so I didn't write for the full 10 hours, but I gotta work sometimes.  Oh, quick note, Ryan, Andrea's brother, he joined the Army. His mom called me because apparently the team at Parkdale that Andrea and Chrissy were on took 6th. Andrea's mom was mad because I didn't come back.

Oh yeah, if you haven't read the other letter first, read it now, I'll wait. . . ok finish up . . . good continue. I'm going to CCSN this fall, I ended up getting the millienum scholarship so I'm staying here and using it.

As for an EDC trip. Oh yeah! Sounds like Fun =)

And you got blue ultras and you have permission, that measn I want pictures and as for me, I'm still practicing, I just need new sticks, I broke my last ones. But I got some time before the next EDC< but I am totally up for that trip, as for what to do or where to stay, I'll save up and get you a hotel room and get me a bigger one. Hahah. But yeah, I got some money and it'll be all good.

But I'm still sorry about my little leave of absence. It won't happen again =) Miss ya, hope everything is good over in Sweden

Alicia "uh-lick-ah"

Honestly, I grabbed this one just because it's the first that I saw. There wasn't really any reason behind it, but for those of you playing at home this letter is the only hint that I was given in Sweden that Alicia was going to be married when I came home, and that drama is better saved for a different episode of this, but just as a spoiler, it's a good hunk of drama.

Sort of a crazy letter now that I look back at it.

For those wondering there was also a printed letter from her computer that was part 1 to this, that honestly wasn't nearly as juicy as part 2, so we only stuck to part 2. 

Easiest post in the series yet! And I thought the freebee from the previous post was easy. I didn't even have to think while writing this one.

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